Sunday, January 30, 2011

What defines you?

A few years back at camp a previous staffer who was currently on a mission wrote to a girl on staff.  In his letter he asked "What defines you?".  We all laughed and joked and thought "What a wierd thing to ask?"  However, years later I am asking myself that exact question. 
What defines you?  I thought for a long time that what defined you was what you did.  The jobs you got, the sports you played, the classes you took and the friends you had.  I am realizing that things are always changing.  New jobs and opprotunities come, friends move away, we gain new interests, hobbies and experiences.

It is not what you do that defines who you are- but it is the type of person you are that influences those things around you.  I am not just (or was) a swimmer, an artist, a high scoring student.. or a an area director of a very special camp.  I am a teacher is so many ways, I am creative, I am passionate, I am a friend.  I'm a decent person.  These things are constants.  They are what will allow me to succeed in whatever life I choose. 

I'm going to Philmont this summer.  As much as I am excited to go- I am freaking out!  But... new adventures!

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