Wednesday, November 24, 2010

School, camps, Harry Potter, pie, and Dee's.

My field work was awesome!  My collaborating teacher was the most incredible woman who made me feel like I could really do this!  It was stressful.  I spent every night not sleeping and freaking out about my lessons.  But once I got in the classroom everything felt ok and things went very well.  I know this is what I want to be doing.  School is just so.. hard!  There is always so much due that I don't feel like I do the best job on all of it.  I try, but maybe I'm just lazy.  I could be doing better.  I'm a bad student but an excellent teacher.  I just need to suffer through, graduate and land a teaching job somewhere. 

My application to Philmont is in the review process.  Half of me is thinking 'hey! why wouldn't they hire me?  I have an incredible resume and I'm awesome!' the other half is saying 'I'm not good enough for Philmont, just stay home'.  I want to go.  It will be a new adventure for me.  I am really excited to be leaving Bartlett but the withdrawl sucks.  Every time I think about it I get this knife in my stomache knowing that it is over.  What will Handicraft do without me?  I was very, very good at my job.  :)

I saw Harry Potter twice this past weekend.  It was incredible!  Me and Rachel are going again as soon as she is all finished with her classes.  Go during the day when we are really awake.  I know it is wierd, that Harry Potter is so important to me.. it is something I grew up with and I will be crying in July when the movies are all over and done with!  I guess I just hate the ending of things. 

I learned how to make Pie today.  My grandma makes this incredible Eggnog Pie that she is famous for.  Me and Debbie and Jan went over to her house to make four pies.  I am so proud of myself!  I am pretty excited for Thanksgiving tomorrow.  It will be sad though, hardly anyone will be there.  Last year everyone was there and it was an icnredible feeling of family and love and togetherness.  Emily is spending the day in Park Valley with Layne.. it will be sad not to have her home. 

Jeff and I went to Dee's tonight for some hot chocoloate and he wanted 'protien' so we ended up getting pancakes and eggs and sausage.  We shouldn't of ate because we felt sick afterwards.  We drove down to Rhomer Park and did some doughnats in the parking lot until we thought a cop was coming after us.. hehe.

Chronicals of Narnia is pretty intense.  I need to read 'Voyage of the Dawn Treader' before the movie comes out. 

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